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Jan 11, 2015

Israel as the only safe place for Jews

Should the Jews of France immediately move to Israel or not? They, like all Jews around the world, should move as soon as possible to Israel. Israel is our homeland, the land our God wants us to live in, the one He designated for us, in which we as a nation can fulfill out potential.

Many people say, especially after terror attacks, or just plain old hostility, around the world against Jews, that it is time to move to Israel, and that Israel is the only place safe for Jews.

Regarding the first, I'd say it is always the time to move to Israel - whether after a terror attack or even without one. People have reasons why they don't, even good reasons, and many people do not even have Israel on their agenda. That being said, it is always the right time to move to Israel. Even right before a snow "storm" that sends the entire country into a panic.

Regarding the second, I disagree with the statement made by many that Israel is the only place safe for Jews. There is, unfortunately, terror in Israel. Jews get killed here, because they are Jews, just like they do elsewhere. Jews get killed or hurt here in wars, in traffic accidents, in disputes, in crime, in work accidents, and, again, in terror attacks. Israel is not the only safe place for Jews. Safe is not the reason we live here. Israel is a haven for Jews. It is where we are our government, where our government is concerned for our safety, where our government will try to protect us and defend us, where we will protect and defend ourselves, when necessary. Safe? Hopefully, but not necessarily. Our home? Where we control, to whatever extent, our destiny, where we write the next chapters of Jewish history.

Move to Israel, or at least consider it. Move here whether it is because of the need to run away from a threat or danger with Israel as your haven, or move here out of your own choice, your desire to be in Israel and to be a part of writing Jewish history.

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1 comment:

  1. Perhaps "safe" is not the most precise word. Perhaps, "proper" is.


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