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Sep 2, 2014

School Takeover in RBS comments (video)

Cameraman Yaakov Lederman gets a few words from all sides of the "school takeover" incident, with some footage of some nasty behavior by Richard Peres and him being detained because of it...

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  1. Shocking violence on behalf of the secular parents/city council members etc. Throwing chairs, aking up sledge hammers and maybe even axes. There are little girls on the other side of that wall. What in the world are these people thinking?

    And in response to Lipman's Berlin Wall photo op. Pathetic. There are now two schools there. Everybody gets what they need for now. But all schools have walls. And Lipman has a wall in his office at the knesset. Does he want to tear that one down too?

    Nobody even thought to thank the Mayor for giving to the secular school consisting at least of some if not mostly non residents the beautiful school and courtyard. Take a look at the weeds he gave to the chareidim.

  2. Lipman has no way to claim that charedim unfairly denounce him when in this instance he has blatantly taken a stand against the rights of the girls for classrooms in a seperate (and seperated setting). His statements have no semblance of connection to the reality of the situation. I await the day when this man is out of the public eye & returns to private life. ( I suspect many others harbor this feeling as well).

  3. after all this time now Lipman has no way to claim it? first of all, even until now it wasn't really unfairly done. he has taken positions against the classic Charedi community positions many times. Second, they have blacklisted him and have publicly shown contempt for him, so you think he should be taking the Charedi side in something now?


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